Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brasilia TV interviewing Polybrite and Samsung Industrial- Nov 8-11 2009

Here are the links to the Polybrite - Samsung interviews hosted by Brazil Asset Management in Brasilia, December 2009.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Drilling for methane

The future gas production in Brazil will provide an enormous opportunity for all kinds of industry.  Equipment, pipelines, services providers and training.  The biggest yield will be that internal Brasil will be on the road to huge economic freedom.

Investing in ARUR

The American Resource Technologies group has proposed a share swap ... I am thinking about the potential of how public funds could get involved in investing.  There are certain things that we need to about publishing financials.

Marketing the Brazil Difference

Friday, January 8, 2010

Events- Brasilia 50 Anniversary

Big opportunity for technology and energy providers.